There’s Always Something More!

Why is Change so Hard?

Did you know your subconscious stores every experience you have in your life and never edits or deletes?  Imagine your subconscious is like a closet that holds all your clothing from the day you were born and nothing has ever been removed.  And each piece of clothing represents an experience that contains the emotions and perspectives you had at the time you were wearing it.

When you live on autopilot, your ego will choose what you wear today from your subconscious closet, even if it no longer fits.  And if you try to step outside your comfort zone to try something new, it will try to convince you that it’s not your style, people will laugh, you’ll be criticized or judged.

The reason we hesitate making changes in our lives, whether it’s applying for a new job, ending a relationship, or simply redecorating our home, is because our subconscious mind makes it hard for us to change.  The ego prefers we stay on autopilot to protect us from the unknown.  That’s why when we disrupt our habits and routines to attempt something new, we feel fear. 

So, how do you shift out of autopilot and reclaim control of your life? By living consciously.  By living in the present moment.  Research shows that we have over sixty thousand thoughts a day and around ninety percent of those thoughts are subconscious.  That means we operate only ten percent of our day consciously, the rest is on autopilot.

For example, have you ever had the experience of driving to a familiar destination and once you arrived, you realized that you didn’t really remember the trip because your mind was elsewhere?  Who was driving the car?  Yep, your subconscious autopilot.

Chance Change - Kat Wells Mindset Mentor

Now, this doesn’t mean your ego and subconscious don’t serve you.  They are a necessary and efficient part of being human.  Without them we couldn’t survive.  But, they were never meant to be running the show, or driving the car.

To live as the authentic self, we must practice present moment awareness.  Otherwise, our subconscious thoughts continue to control our lives and nothing will change.  Just the act of consciously choosing to do this next activity will help you connect more deeply to your authentic self and shift out of autopilot.

  • Right now, wherever you are sitting, notice how the chair beneath you feels to your body. Is it soft, hard? Is it comfortable?  Do you feel supported?
  • Where are your feet? Are they flat on the floor? Tucked underneath you? If you have shoes on, how do the shoes feel?  If you are barefoot, are your feet warm or cold?
  • Are you holding something in your hands? Is it heavy or light? What does the texture feel like?
  • Notice your shoulders. Are they relaxed or tense?
  • Pay attention to your breath. Are you breathing slowly or rapidly, deep or shallow, or perhaps you’re holding your breath.
  • Notice the temperature of the room. What smells do you notice? What sounds?
  • If any thoughts pop into your awareness, just notice them without judgement and imagine them floating away on a cloud.

Continue to practice present moment awareness each day for a month.  Perhaps, set a timer on your cell phone to remind you to take a couple minutes, two or three times a day. By bringing the attention of your mind onto your body and breath, you create a deeper connection to your authentic self.  At the end of the month you will begin to notice positive changes in your life and in your well-being.

Living in the present moment is like clearing old clothes from an overstuffed closet.  It gives you space to try something new and create a new you, a new life.

Love Your Life Now!

Kat Wells Mindset MentorBest-Selling Author, Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Life Coach and Mindset Mentor Kat Wells graduated summa cum laude from Texas A & M University and trained under Dr. Sue Morter, founder of Morter Institute for BioEnergetics. Kat is a certified Energy Codes Master Trainer and founder of Kat Wells International. She provides coaching, seminars, and workshops worldwide, using her knowledge and skills to empower individuals and organizations to realize their full potential.



There's Got to be Something More

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