There’s Always Something More!

Who Are You?

I heard that question a lot as a child.  Raised in a military family and constantly moving from place to place, I would try to change my personality to fit in so that others would love and accept me. It was like playing a never-ending game of charades.  But, no matter how hard I tried to please others, I never felt like I belonged.

As babies, we believe we’re the center of the universe and that everyone is here for us. We feel connected to people, animals, and the Earth. We are not yet tied to an identity of who we are. But society and life experience soon teaches us separateness. We learn it through prejudices—racial, religious, and societal—that others hold and pass on to us.

As young children we are often judged and labeled by those around us. Unfortunately, our belief about who we are —our personality, is developed before the age of six.  And, without the ability to discern our truth from someone else’s opinion or perspective, those judgments and labels become our identity.

So, as an adult, I continued to play the game of charades because my early conditioning and programming told me that who I really am was not good enough.  And I’d been pretending so long to be who I was not, that I didn’t even know myself any more.

That if I found the right persona, I’d finally get the love and acceptance I was searching for.

What I didn’t understand is that our personality is NOT who we are!  Our personality is our creation, an aspect of ourself that we present to the world.  Much like the clothing we choose  to wear each day, it changes from one moment to the next according to the role we are playing, and depending on the circumstances and people we are interacting with.

For example, have you ever noticed that at home you have a certain personality and at work your personality is completely different? Or that the way you act around your parents is different than how you act around your friends? Or that your personality with your female friends is very different than your personality with your male friends?

Whatever people think of you is about the image they have of you, and that image isn’t you.  It’s a projection based on their own beliefs and perspectives.  And in the same way, what we think of others is based on our perspectives.   The truth is, we have no idea what is going on in another person’s world, or what they are thinking or feeling.

Be True to Who You Are - Kat Wells Mindset MentorI believed my personality was who I was. 

So, if you are not your personality, who are you?  You are a Soul, a spiritual, vibrational being in a human body having a human experience. Your Soul is the embodiment of love.  It provides the avenue through which Spirit can reach you.  It is the link between Spirit and your personality.  Your Soul knows the part you are here to play in the Divine plan for humanity.  It is eternal.

There’s great freedom in realizing you don’t have to rule your life according to other people’s opinions.  And there’s less pain and drama because you stop taking what others do and say so personally.  The only opinion that matters is your opinion of you.

So, how do you reconnect with who you really are?  By paying attention to the thoughts you think about yourself.  By paying attention to the words you speak in your self-talk.  Are they mostly critical and judgmental or positive and uplifting?   If they are mostly negative, there’s a good chance those were someone else’s words that you took on as your identity.

The real you is love.  The real you is loving. 

Anything other than love is coming from the protective personality. So, I invite you to use the following journal prompts to start exploring the real you:

  • Where in your life have you been playing charades, hiding your true self to please or appease others?
  • If you didn’t care what others thought about you, what would you be doing differently in your life?
  • What is one opinion or judgment that you have of yourself that you would like to change?
  • What is one step you could take today to begin making that change?

Challenge: Complete the following sentences:

One unique thing about me is __________________________________.

What I love about my unique quality is ______________________________.

Another reason I love this about me is ___________________________________.

Say this aloud to yourself every morning for one week.  Journal about what awareness came up for you by doing this exercise.

Who are you?  You are love. You are unique!  There has never been another like you and there will never, ever be another like you.  You have something special to offer this world that no one else can.  So, shine your light bright and share your uniqueness with the world.  We need you!  That’s why you’re here.

Kat Wells Mindset MentorBest-Selling Author, Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Life Coach and Mindset Mentor Kat Wells graduated summa cum laude from Texas A & M University and trained under Dr. Sue Morter, founder of Morter Institute for BioEnergetics. Kat is a certified Energy Codes Master Trainer and founder of Kat Wells International. She provides coaching, seminars, and workshops worldwide, using her knowledge and skills to empower individuals and organizations to realize their full potential.



There's Got to be Something More

21 Days to Create a More Abundant, Purposeful, and Joyful Life 
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