There’s Always Something More!

Law of Attraction 101: What You Feel is What You Get

How to effortlessly attract exactly what you want

The principle behind the Law of Attraction is simple: You get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

You may ask, “If I think about having more money, why am I still counting my pennies every month?”

That’s a great question! Let’s find the answer by asking another question.

When you think about having more money, what are you focusing on? More importantly, how do you feel?

Are you focusing on all the money that you have right now and feeling appreciation and gratitude?

Or are you focusing on wanting more?

Here’s a hint: If you’re feeling stressed about bills, you’re focused on not enough money

And your emotions, how you feel, is the indicator of where you are focused. If you feel good when you think about receiving more money, you’re magnetizing money to you.

If you feel any negative emotion, you are repelling money.

The principle behind Law of Attraction is that you get what you focus on. When you think about not having enough money and wanting more, you will attract more of that. Wanting more money is the energy of lack. You can’t get out of lack by being in the energy of lack.

Once you realize that you’ve been focusing on the thing that you don’t want (lack of money), you can start to turn things around.How? Ask yourself this question: What feeling will having more money bring me? Is it freedom, security, fun, or something else? Then feel that feeling NOW.

Let’s say that having more money gives you a feeling of freedom. Where in your life do you already have a feeling of freedom? Perhaps it’s when you’re out jogging in the fresh air, or when you’re swimming in the ocean.

I Attract All Good Things - Kat Wells Mindset Mentor

Use your imagination to take you there now.

Another principle behind Law of Attraction is “like attracts like.” Whatever emotion you feel creates a vibration. It can be a vibration that feels like fear, or one that feels like freedom. Whatever you’re feeling sends out a signal (like a radio tower) that attracts more things into your experience that match that vibration.

So, if money feels like freedom to you, spend a few moments throughout your day creating that feeling of freedom using your imagination. And start noticing other things that are manifesting in your life that feel like freedom.

It can be as simple as the freedom you feel when you drive your car, realizing you don’t have to rely on anyone to go where you want to go. It can be the freedom to choose what you eat or what you wear each day.

You may wonder how feeling free as you drive your car can help you have enough money to pay your bills. It seems counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?

Yet, that’s the way Law of Attraction works. Law of Attraction is about energy. When you purposefully focus on the feeling of freedom (while driving your car), your energy changes. Instead of feeling lack, you feel free. Since “like attracts like”, your life circumstance will change from a feeling of lack (not enough money), to feeling of freedom (having enough money).

To effortlessly attract exactly what you want, do the following:

1. Ask yourself what feeling having enough money will bring you.

2. Pay attention to all the ways you already experience that feeling in your life right now.

3. Take a few moments to truly appreciate those situations and circumstances.

4. Keep a small journal to jot down a list of these situations each day and really experience the feelings as you write them.

As you start to activate that vibration on a daily basis, more and more things that give you the sense of freedom you desire will be magnetized to you, including money.

Kat Wells Mindset MentorBest-Selling Author, Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Life Coach and Mindset Mentor Kat Wells graduated summa cum laude from Texas A & M University and trained under Dr. Sue Morter, founder of Morter Institute for BioEnergetics. Kat is a certified Energy Codes Master Trainer and founder of Kat Wells International. She provides coaching, seminars, and workshops worldwide, using her knowledge and skills to empower individuals and organizations to realize their full potential.



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