There’s Always Something More!

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

I heard that question a lot as a child.  Raised in a military family and constantly moving from place to place, I would try to change my personality to fit in so that others would love and accept me. It was like playing a never-ending game of charades.  But, no matter...

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Why is Change so Hard?

Why is Change so Hard?

Did you know your subconscious stores every experience you have in your life and never edits or deletes?  Imagine your subconscious is like a closet that holds all your clothing from the day you were born and nothing has ever been removed.  And each piece of clothing...

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Law of Attraction 101: What You Feel is What You Get

Law of Attraction 101: What You Feel is What You Get

How to effortlessly attract exactly what you want The principle behind the Law of Attraction is simple: You get what you think about, whether you want it or not. You may ask, “If I think about having more money, why am I still counting my pennies every month?” That’s...

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There's Got to be Something More

21 Days to Create a More Abundant, Purposeful, and Joyful Life 
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