“Some believe in destiny, and some believe in fate.  I believe that happiness is something we create.  You best believe that I’m not gonna wait ‘Cause there’s got to be something more.”  ~ Sugarland


What does an overweight, bankrupt, divorced woman; a Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude Graduate of two Universities; a Fashion Model; a Best-Selling Author; an abused child of an alcoholic; a Realtor; an Interior Decorator; a suicidal woman; a Teacher of the Year; and a Millionaire have in common?

Answer: They’re all me!

I was raised in a military family by a decorated war veteran and former POW, who became a raging alcoholic to numb his painful memories of inexplicable horror. So, I learned at a young age how to survive in a minefield of unpredictability.

During my life of constant turmoil and upheaval, I kept asking, “Why is life so hard?” No matter what I did to please others, no matter how hard I tried to be perfect, no matter how accomplished I became in school or business, my desire for freedom, love and happiness eluded me.

For years I searched for the answer. Through twenty-five moves, twenty-three jobs, ten schools, I searched. Through two marriages and divorces from men who suffered from alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental illness, I searched. Through bankruptcy, miscarriage, foreclosure and unemployment, I searched.

Until one lonely night, I gave up. Driving at high speed and headed for a tree to make my exit from life, I heard a booming voice fill my car, “We’re not done yet!” and blacked out.

When I awoke, my car was in a ditch but I was unharmed. In that moment of awakening, I felt enveloped in a love beyond understanding.  I knew that all my pain had a purpose and I committed my life to answering a new question.

Why am I here?

Did I find the answer overnight?  Nope.  In fact, my journey was a long one, taking almost twenty years and tens of thousands of dollars worth of therapy, self-help books, CDs, seminars, and courses.

Why did it take so long?  Because I was trying to make changes, step-by-step, piece-by-piece.  That’s why it felt so hard, and honestly, there were moments when I almost gave up.  Yet, deep down, I knew that there had to be Something More, something I was missing.

Then, one day in 2003, I discovered a book, The Law of Attraction, by Abraham-Hicks, that sent me on a new path of learning and utilizing the Universal Laws to transform my life. I had found the Something More I’d been searching for. And within just two short years, everything in my life shifted.

I went from experiencing bankruptcy, divorce, miscarriage, losing my job, my home, my health, and wanting to end my life, to manifesting a marriage of twenty-seven years, financial freedom, two beautiful homes, several cars, traveling the world for eight years, vibrant health, and a career I love.

When we shift our mindset and embody the truth of who we are,  we look at things from a higher, broader perspective. We understand the truth of how the Universe is always working to support our dreams, and we access the power to transform our lives.

Why am I here? The answer I was searching for was within me all along.

I am now living my passion and purpose: being a transformational catalyst for high achieving women to stand in their authentic power —living a balanced life they love and discovering the something more they were searching for.

I feel so incredibly blessed to be doing work I love with amazing clients who contribute so much to this world.

I doubled my income as an entrepreneur while working less hours!

“With Kat’s guidance I have accomplished A LOT of seemingly impossible things. AND I did it with so much ease it blows my mind. She said she’s going to get me an “easy button.” I think she IS the easy button.”

Joy Boothe


For you, it doesn’t have to take decades or tens of thousands of dollars.

It requires only a desire, a decision, and a dedicated practice to shift your mindset.

You can do this!


There's Got to be Something More

21 Days to Create a More Abundant, Purposeful, and Joyful Life 
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