Read What Clients Are Saying…

With Kat’s guidance I’ve experienced tremendous improvement in my confidence, my business and my relationships.

Tricia Pine

Rejoice In Your Voice


Kat has helped me become the woman I’ve always dreamt of being.

She has been an amazing mentor and has completely transformed my way of thinking through her teachings.

I will never forget the day that Kat offered her coaching services to me. Kat was a client at the business where I worked. Every time she walked in the door I greeted her the same way, with a smile on my face. One day, after seeing her for many years, she asked me if I was okay. My response was “of course Kat, I am great!”

Then I sat and processed her question and was curious why she would ask me that?

The truth was, that day I was not okay. How in the world did Kat know something was wrong?

I would always smile through my pain and fooled everyone (including myself) into believing I was happy and everything was fine.

Secretly, I was a very sad person and was holding on to a lot of pain. Kat was the only person who I couldn’t fool. She saw straight into my heart, and reached out to me. Since I have been receiving coaching from Kat and using her methods, my life has changed for the better. She has helped me become the woman I’ve always dreamt of being. Her ability to read people and use her intuition has transformed my daily life.

Becca Stokes


Thanks to Kat, I have learned to trust my inner guidance to clear my life’s clutter and live a more joy filled life.

I am truly lucky to have met Kat during a time in my life when I felt desperate for help. With Kat’s coaching, I am able to identify the strengths and positive successes that occur in my daily life. I am a mom, a wife, and an employee who was drowning in my days trying to juggle it all. Not anymore.

During my calls with Kat, she guides me to open my mind to a completely different thought process. I am learning simple techniques and practicing these tools because of her inspiration to lift me up to look within. She never passes judgment. With Kat’s encouragement, I have been able to enrich my awareness of self worth and love which have, without a doubt, had an everlasting effect on the momentum of success I am now gaining.

I am now quickly able to see the pattern of my behavior being instantly mirrored by my children. I am able to shift my thoughts and actions to reflect the positive journey I now seek.

Katie Schroeder

Saint Louis, MO


I decided to leave my corporate job and now I’m creating my own business and loving it.

Before I started coaching with Kat, I was sort of lost, career-wise, and not real hopeful. I was working in a job that just was so limited and out of alignment with who I really am, and I was really unhappy. I have two graduate degrees and come from a highly intellectual background, so I was skeptical at first, but open to trying Kat’s approach.

Kat once told me, “I’ve got nothing to prove, nothing to convince you of.”

Kat’s coming from a place of living it, and is so authentic that you just know what she is telling you reflects her experience.   Kat  has worked with me patiently and diligently and come at it from so many different ways with different ideas and metaphors and tools for me to get that into my head and it is working.

I am so grateful to be coaching with Kat. I just I love her. I trust her completely as I now see the benefits of our time together manifesting in my life daily I am getting really excited.

Michelle Taufmann


Kat is warm, non-judgmental and totally committed to helping her clients live their best life.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Kat during a group course as well as one-on-one coaching. I’ve worked with other life coaches in the past and I was astonished by how much wisdom Kat has to share. She always knows how to help me work thorough any challenge. The processes and techniques Kat taught me have been life changing. Kat is an amazing coach; she has so much value to offer I promise you will be enlightened.

Lori Luoma


In only one scheduled call, Kat blew away the stubborn mental blocks.

While in the middle of a recent Hypnotherapy Mastery Course, the topic of Emotional Freedom Technique was taught. I realized that due to an incident several decades ago, I had no tolerance for this technique, no belief in its effectiveness, and wondered whether or not my resistance could be overcome.

Fortunately, Kat offered to explore my resistance with me. In only one scheduled call, she blew away the stubborn mental blocks and neutralized whatever it was that was keeping me from allowing the learning to be accepted. Thank you Kat!

If you are looking for a Life Coach to be effective, reasonable, and compassionate while keeping it fun, I’d suggest you seriously consider working with Kat. She is delightful, knowledgeable and very thorough.

Janet M. Bieschke, Ed.D.


Kat has an impressive ability to quickly see to the heart of a matter…and to ask just the right powerful questions to help you guide yourself on the path to creating the life of your dreams.

Kris Torgrimson

Duluth, MN

Kat helped me create an additional $10,000 net worth, just by getting in alignment.

I love having Kat as my Law of Attraction coach because she ‘gets’ Law of Attraction in a way that very few coaches do. I can tell this is true by the way I feel when I work with her.

I can also tell she ‘gets’ it because Kat has created results that most coaches understand but haven’t lived. Kat has lived it. She created a millionaire life using Law of Attraction principles.

Her absolute faith, clarity and alignment with well-being are magnetic. She pulls me right along with her. In fact, Kat helped me create an additional $10,000 net worth, just by getting in alignment.

I thank the Universe on a regular basis that I have connected with Kat. My life has significantly improved as a result.

Linda Flynt

Entrepreneur, Texas


We are making more money than ever.

Before I met with Kat I was pretty good at manifesting money but I knew I had some sticky points. She helped me to clearly see the places where I was blocking myself and she gave me a new way of looking at things along with some great exercises. Because of her, my husband and I booked the accommodations in Hawaii that we really wanted along with first class flights.

In addition, I decided that I would like the trip to be paid for somehow – but not out of our budget. Right after booking the trip we received a notice that we would be receiving $6700 – for something that we had nothing to do with! Then, we received a reimbursement for the trip of $2500 – we ended up with money in our pockets! I have taken her coaching to heart and still use the processes she taught me.

Sandi Lee

Medicine Hat, Canada


I doubled my income as an entrepreneur while working less hours!

I had been on a quest to find out what really inspires and excites me so that my next business or career would be more fun and fulfilling for me. I took courses from the creators of “The Passion Test”, Janet and Chris Attwood and Jack Canfield. At one of the events I met Kat. I was fortunate enough to sit next to her at dinner one evening. That was the most inspirational meal I had ever had in my life. WOW! This woman is a Goddess! Unfortunately, the course ended and we went our separate ways.

She was always on my mind and as luck would have it, she attended another event that I was helping run just a couple months later. I chatted with her every chance I got and had more amazing meals learning from this incredible master of life. Then again, the event ended and we went our separate ways. Only this time, I knew that she was the teacher for me. I called her up a week or two later and asked her if she would be my coach and she agreed to take me up on it. That was one of the best decisions of my life!

I have grown and changed so much with her guiding me to be, well, me! I had no idea I was so amazing! I can do so many awesome things! With her guidance I have accomplished A LOT of seemingly impossible things. AND I did it with so much ease it blows my mind. She said she’s going to get me an “easy button” sometime. I think she is the easy button.

If you are ready to change your life or accomplish things you never thought possible, then I whole-heartedly recommend hiring Kat. It will be the best investment you’ll ever make.– This coming from a mother of 8 kids on a very tight budget living in a basement apartment who took the leap of faith to learn life mastery from the master. Within just a few months, I doubled my income as an entrepreneur while working less hours; then bought a nice 7 bedroom home on a half acre lot in a great neighborhood. I wouldn’t have believed it without her. Now I believe anything is possible. She has changed my life.

When I was ready, my teacher came. I am SO grateful for Kat and her incredible skills as a coach and how she leads by example. I now believe that anyone can do and accomplish whatever their heart calls them to do. I am forever grateful for her. AND she will always be the best coach on the planet in my opinion.

Joy Boothe


I lost my vision, Kat restored my sight!

When you put yourself out there as “Mr. Positive!” and then you go through a devastating divorce, bankruptcy and depression, it makes it really hard to smile on the inside, outside I looked good but I was totally lost and broken.

My personal vision as Mr. Positive! is to reach 1 Billion or more people on the planet with a positive, encouraging message but I kept getting discouraged because of my personal struggles and failures.

Before I met Kat, my thinking was “maybe it’s an impossible dream” and “I should just let it go” today I know this is a lie I was telling myself. Kat thanks for helping me see clearly… only 900 million more to go!

I have read tons of books, attended hundreds of live workshops and hired too many coaches to count over the past 30 years. I can assure you that Kat Wells is the REAL DEAL! She lives what she teachers and generously gives from her heart. I know with her guidance and support I will be able to manifest all of my dreams and desires!

David Boufford

Professional Encourager,


With Kat’s amazing advice I turned it all around!

With her guidance, I changed my thinking, my expectations and my approach.

Before working with Kat, I was 30 days behind in my mortgage, and was receiving phone calls from my Credit Union threatening to foreclose on my property. I was fearful and upset, and made the mistake of writing an angry and defensive letter to my lenders. It only made matters worse.

I was scared, and I had no one to ask for help. I even emptied my coin jars, but of course, it was not enough. I was short $1000 and my next mortgage payment was due.

Within days, everything turned around in unbelievable ways. Not only did the credit union’s attorney support me in coming up with a plan so that I could keep my home; but I didn’t need the plan after all. I manifested $2,000 and was able to bring my account up to date.

I have a note posted on the bulletin-board in my home office so I can see it every day. It’s one that Kat suggested as we worked together to shift my beliefs: Everything always works out for me.

Thank you, Kat, for your help during difficult times. With your amazing advice I turned it all around!

Thanks a million.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Kat was a guiding force through my process of self-empowerment.

When I made a huge life change, I was stuck in fear and uncertainty.

Her intuitive ability was so in touch with my needs and her wisdom a constant gentle reminder to help me stay on track. Her work with self-empowerment is also an amazing tool to use as a parent. I know all I am teaching my eleven year old son will serve him greatly as he matures. I continue to look forward to our sessions as she continues to guide me with so much care and insight.

Lula Walker

Kat helped us to create an open mind to making a more productive, meaningful and happy workplace.

Thank you so much for the Rev It Up! Workshop you held for us at Simply Serene Salon. Your training really centered on our need for having a positive attitude toward self, family, work and life. This interactive course included exercises and self-evaluations that helped us to create an open mind to making a more productive, meaningful and happy workplace.

We thank you for being so candid with your own personal life experiences. It allowed our staff to have a connection to these training techniques and we feel these are exceptional tools for our every day life.

Simply Serene

salon and spa

Kat is a living example of how it is possible to manifest even the most unpredictable experiences of abundance, and she can teach you how.

She teaches about abundance and attracting money in such a “down to earth” style with practical tools that anyone can learn. She has humor and is full of experiences to show you how to learn the game of manifesting. If you have decided to stop playing small and have had enough of experiencing lack and struggle, you can easily learn how to step into the power of creating money and abundance.

Kat is a living example of how it is possible to manifest even the most unpredictable experiences of abundance, and she can teach you how. She is such a generous and loving soul. I enjoyed being her student for 8 weeks and had some pretty awesome manifestations and it just keeps getting better and better.

Charlotte Friborg

Law of Attraction Life Coach, Florida

Working with Kat is directly related to my new-found clarity and confidence and the abundance that is flowing into my life.

I am so grateful to Kat for showing me a new way to look at abundance and how to be in true alignment with it.

Coming in to her program I was feeling lost and unsure financially as I had just sold my third generation business at a loss. I was in grief and not feeling so confident. Kat helped me find the sense of security and confidence in the decision that I made to sell, and as a result I have been able to expand the other parts of my business that truly bring me joy. I began feeling much more confident in my ability to manifest true abundance and more money started showing up in my life.

My relationship with myself improved and my relationship with my family began improving as well.   All  the relationships in my life have improved. I’ve been feeling so much clearer in my decision-making. I no longer look at bills as a burden instead I look at them as me holding up my end of the deal, and with this shift of perspective came a relief as a weight lifted off me and more abundance started showing up.

Working with Kat is directly related to my new-found clarity and confidence and the abundance that is flowing into my life. I see and feel our time together as life changing. I feel like I just “know what to do” daily in my business and decision making. I look forward to working more with Kat in the near-future. I am feeling limitless! I highly recommend Kat and her program to anyone who wants to truly change the course of their life for the better, financially and in all areas.

Jason Richardson

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